Thursday, January 22, 2015

Conservation of Angular momentum

In this website, they show a live example of acrobats spinning through the air while explaining the physics behind it. The provide the formula "L= lw" which states that angular momentum is Rotational Inertia multiplied by the Rotational velocity. However, since angular momentum must be conserved, as rotational inertia increase then the velocity must decrease and vice versa. Finally they state how the closer their masses were to the axis of rotation, the faster their rotation velocity is. This is also shown in the video along with the flying acrobats. An entertaining video, while also educational!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed looking through that website lots of great and interesting examples of acrobats and how physics is taking into account. I would like to learn how the acrobats twist and spin also like the snowboarders and skiers that twist and spin in the air, it's very neat!!
