Tuesday, September 2, 2014

This video on the law of Interia taught me that "objects have a tendency to maintain velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." To demonstrate this they used a block, a smooth surface, and a hard surface to provide an example. They explained how the net force is the friction and the interaction between the block and the ground. The net force is acting against its motion, the force of friction. However, if the surface was made smoother (eliminating the friction) the block would continue to travel. Lastly, If you dragged a TV across your carpet, you are counter acting the net negative force and keeping the velocity constant. Therefore you are balancing the forces. Overall, it showed me two new things. First, it explained how an outside force could be something as small as a rough surface. Secondly, it explained how one must balance the force in order to move the object at rest.

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