Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Exceptions, Questions, and Beliefs

With the start of the new year, I cannot wait to begin Mrs. Lawrence's physics class most of all. Although, I have a difficulty focusing in sciences. Henceforth,  I've set a few goals that should help keep me on track. My first goal is to better my ability to  understand and apply concepts. Secondly, I plan to get at least a B, if not better. Finally, I plan on studying at least a week in advance for each test. Now one can't have tests without something to be tested on. Therefore, In physics class, I hope to learn a variety of concepts, theories, and laws. I'm eager to learn why a diver must cut cross current to get back to the boat caught in a strong current. I'm anxious to learn how one can measure the distance from the top of a cliff to the bottom using just the object. Lastly, I'm tingling with excitement to learn how a knowledge of physics can help one win a tug of war. However, despite how eager I am to get started, one must take a step back and ponder why it is important to learn physics at all. I believe it may be important because in some cases such as the diver's, it can save a life. I also believe it's important because it helps people see the connections between phenomenas. Although, perhaps the most important reason of all is that it can help us understand how our complex world works. For example, think of Newton's laws of motion.  Thanks to two of his discoveries we understand  the relationship between an object's mass, acceleration, and applied force. Additionally, we understand that for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction. However, one cannot solve that relationships equation( F=ma) without being able to problem solve. Personally, I think problem solving is applying concepts that one has learned in order to produce an answer. Now in order to get an answer, there must be a question and I have many questions about physics. For example, how many sections is physics divided into? I'm curious because I want to know why they can be and why they were divide into those sections. Secondly, Who are the most influential people in the world of physics and why? I want to know how their discoveries and theories helped to shape our understanding of the world.  Lastly, to what extent does physics help us understand the world around us? I 'm so inquisitive because I want to know because I want to know if there is a subject that has such a minimal limit, one can spend a lifetime studying just one section of it. Hopefully these questions can be answered and that this will be a good year!

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