Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Newton's First Law of Motion: Intertia (Video 1)

The law of inertia states that " all objects will remain in a state of rest or continue to move with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an unbalance force." In this video, I learned that objects will be at rest because forces are balanced. When the hand (the unbalanced force) acted upon the card, the card became an object in motion. However, the penny stayed because there was not enough of an upset in balance to move the penny. So the force of gravity pulled the coin down.

1 comment:

  1. The video you chose was extremely informative. It broke down the experiment and explained what was happening in each step. I also found it helpful that you clarified that Inertia is a law, but it is different from Newton's first Law. Your explanation encouraged me to find out more about the upset in balance and how it impacts inertia.
